Dynamic assessment of word derivational knowledge: Tracing the development of a learner

Dmitri Leontjev


The present paper reports on a case study that explored the applicability of dynamic assessment (DA) for promoting learners’ word derivational knowledge in English as a second or a foreign language (L2). One learner’s performance on tasks assessing his word derivational knowledge was measured four times. The first two measurements were conducted before and after three weekly human-mediated DA sessions and the last two, which took place a year and a half later, before and after three weekly computerised DA sessions. Think aloud protocols and interviews were used to trace changes in the learner’s use of strategies and knowledge sources. The results revealed that following the dynamic assessment, the learner improved his performance and used strategies and knowledge sources more successfully. The findings have implications for designing dynamic tests of L2 English word derivational knowledge and for word derivational knowledge instruction.

Sõnatuletuse oskuste dünaamiline hindamine: ühe õpilase arengu jälgimine

Uurimuse eesmärk on süvendada arusaamist sellest, kuidas dünaamiline hindamine võimaldab arendada õppija sõnatuletusoskusi. Õppija sõnatuletusteadmiste arengut võrreldi enne ja pärast hindaja- ja arvutipõhist dünaamilist hindamist. Uurimus keskendub õppija strateegiate ja teadmiste allikate kasutusele. Peamiste uurimisvahenditena rakendati valjusti mõtlemise protokolle ja intervjuud. Õppija arengudünaamika jälgimiseks oli hindaja ja arvutipõhise hindamise vahel pooleteistaastane paus. Analüüs osutas, et õppija mitte ainult ei hakanud rakendama hindamise käigus kasutatud strateegiaid, vaid muutus keeleloomes ka üldiselt edukamaks. Seega aitas dünaamiline hindamine süvendada õppija sõnatuletusteadmisi ja arendada strateegiapädevust. 


L2 learning, sociocultural theory, mediation, inferencing strategies, knowledge sources, self-regulation, English

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5128/ERYa12.09


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ISSN 1736-2563 (print)
ISSN 2228-0677 (online)
DOI 10.5128/ERYa.1736-2563