Professor of Linguistics, Newcastle University

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Newcastle University  seeks to appoint an outstanding scholar to the post of Professor of Linguistics. The appointment will be made in any field of Linguistics. This post is part of a substantial investment by the University in Modern Languages and linguistics, which will see appointments to professors […]

Learning Languages and Literacy Studies

Call for chapter proposals for an international edited volume Learning Languages and Literacy Studies (working title) Late modern societies are characterized by constant, fast and unpredictable mobility of people, goods, ideas and values. This mobility and the ensuing unstable and unpredictable conditions of language use also transform the way we acquire and learn language and […]

New opportunities and challenges in foreign language teaching

The Foreign Languages Centre and the Center for  the Study of the Hellenic Language and Culture of the University of Ioannina (Greece) organise the 3rd Erasmus + Staff Training Week, on “New opportunities and challenges in foreign language teaching”. The training week will take place from 26th to 30th June 2017 on Lefkas island at Ionian Blue Hotel. […]

AILA-Europe Junior Researcher Meeting in Applied Linguistics, 6th-8th September 2017 University of Vienna, Austria

The 9th Junior Researcher Meeting will focus on Language(s) in Society. We welcome paper presentations and posters in the following areas: Language Politics & Policies Language varieties Regional and minority languages Language(s) & Education Sociolinguistics Language & Gender Language, Ideology & Power Multilingualism Transcultural Communication Language acquisition & language learning Other topics may also be […]

VIRSU 20. aastapäeva konverents

Keel keeleteaduses, keeleteadus keeleõppes; Kieli kielitieteessä,  kielitiede kielen oppimisessa; Language in linguistics, linguistics in language learning  Tallinna Ülikool, Eesti, 5.–6. oktoober 2017 Konverentsi eesmärk on tähistada koostöövõrgustiku VIRSU (Soome-ugri keeled sihtkeeltena, 20 tegutsemisaasta täitumist: omal ajal soome-eesti koostööst alguse saanud VIRSU on ühendanud soome-ugri keeli uurivaid rakenduslingviste alates aastast 1997. Praegu seisab võrgustiku […]

10th Anniversary Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, 12-15 June 2017, Helsinki

The University of Helsinki ELFA group warmly welcomes you to the 10th Anniversary Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. After a grand world tour of ELF conferences through Southampton (2009), Vienna (2010), Hong Kong (2011), Istanbul (2012), Rome (2013), Athens (2014), Beijing (2015) and Lleida (2016), ELF10 now returns to its roots in Helsinki […]

International Conference “Art of Communication”, 24-25 March 2017 – Warsaw, Poland

The English language has become nowadays the world’s universal language. It is the most used language in international business, science, medicine, trade and cultural relations. Any linguistic discussions or debates involve the issue of the language change. It is generally known that languages develop rapidly nowadays, due to a variety of reasons, both internal and […]

16th International Conference on Minority Languages

The University of Jyväskylä Language Campus is pleased to announce the 16th International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML XVI)  & 34th Summer School and Conference of Applied Language Studies which will be held in Jyväskylä & Närpes, Finland August 28-30, 2017 Conference theme: Revaluing minority languages Minority languages have long been used by different groups […]

Liikmemaks 7 eurot (3.50 eurot)

Alates 2017. aastast on ERÜ liikmemaks muutunud. Ühingu üldkoosolek võttis 18. mail 2016. a vastu järgmise otsuse. LIIKMEMAKS on eraisikule 7 eurot (kuni 2016. a lõpuni 6.40 eurot), sh üliõpilastele ja pensionäridele 3.50 eurot (kuni 2016. a lõpuni 3.20 eurot), juriidilisele isikule 70 eurot (kuni 2016. a lõpuni 64 eurot).