51st annual meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics

BAAL 2018 will be held at York St John University in York, UK, from 6-8 September 2018. After celebrating half a century of BAAL in 2017, our theme — TAKING RISKS IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS — will make the 2018 meeting a testing ground for new ways of pursuing our research and improving our practice. Our global […]

Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts 2018

MultiLingNet is honoured to announce the 2nd International Conference on Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts (MELDC18) to be held at the University of Malta, Old University Campus in Valletta, from 30th August to 1st September 2018. The conference considers all aspects of the linguistic and sociolinguistic competences and practices of bi-/multilingual speakers who cross […]

TLÜ teaduskeelekeskuse konverentsid

Tallinna Ülikoolis rajatud keskuse põhieesmärk on uurida, arendada, korraldada ja õpetada eesti teaduskeelt, vältimaks mistahes teadusala võõrkeelestumist ja valdkonnakaotust ning edendamaks Eesti siirdumist teadmusühiskonda. Keskus aitab ellu viia eesti keele arendamise strateegia (2004–2010) ja eesti keele arengukava (2011–2017) ning Eesti kõrgharidus­strateegia eesmärke: tagada eestikeelse haridus- ja kultuuriruumi areng ja kindlustada eestikeelse kõrghariduse jätkumine avatud Euroopas. Nende […]

5th International Congress on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2018)

We would like to invite you to submit proposals for 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON APPLIED LINGUISTICS ISSUES (ALI 2018) which will take place on June 12-14, 2018 for WHITE NIGHTS IN ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA The accepted papers will be published in the THOMSON REUTERS/ ISI WEB OF SCIENCE indexed journals(FREE). Congress Topics: First and additional language teaching, learning […]

Conference on the Sociolinguistics of Immigration

3rd International Conference on the Sociolinguistics of Immigration (Slimig2018) will be held in Sestri Levante (Genoa), Italy: September 27-28, 2018. It is organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin (Italy). The focus of attention of the conference is on sociolinguistic, anthropological, ethnographic linguistic and discourse theoretical […]

Konverents „Mitu sammu on terminitööst kõrgkooliõpikuni?“

Haridus- ja teadusministeerium, SA Archimedes ja Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing kutsuvad teid osalema konverentsil “Mitu sammu on terminitööst kõrgkooliõpikuni?” Konverents toimub 21. novembril Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli aulas (Ehitajate tee 5). Registreeruda saab 14. novembrini. Registreerimisvorm KONVERENTSI KAVA 9.30–10 Registreerimine ja tervituskohv 10–10.10 Konverentsi avamine ja TTÜ rektori akadeemik Jaak Aaviksoo tervitus 10.10–10.40 Kõrgkooliõpikute programmist: olnust ja tulevast. Piret […]

V eesti teaduskeele konverents Tallinna Ülikoolis 1.–2. detsembril 2017

Eesti keele arengukava (2011–2017) eesmärke on tagada eestikeelne kõrgharidus ja kõrgkoolilõpetajate eesti keele oskuse kõrge tase, avaldada tähtsamad teadustulemused ka eesti keeles, säilitades ja arendades eesti teaduskeelt, vältides mis tahes teadusala täielikku võõrkeelestumist. Ootame osalema kõrgkoolide ja teadusasutuste iga eriala õppejõude, teadureid, doktorante ning teadustekstide eestindajaid ja toimetajaid. Kutsutud kõneleja: TLÜ humanitaarteaduste instituudi Jaapani uuringute […]

SMYS and YRISM conference 2017

The Institute of English of the University of Silesia in Katowice and International Association of Multilingualism are happy to announce 3rd Silesian Meeting of Young Scholars and 2nd Young Researchers’ International Symposium on Multilingualism that is to take place in Szczyrk, November 16th-18th, 2017. For more information check the conference website: http://www.smys.yrism.us.edu.pl/ https://www.facebook.com/SMYS.YRISM.2017/

CALL FOR PAPERS – The 1st Annual Conference of Asia ESP – 2017

Conference Theme: Innovating ESP, Bridging Asia Conference Time: 27-29 October 2017 Conference Venue: International Convention Centre of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Daxing District, Beijing, China Conference Working Language: English Keynote Speakers: Christine Feak, Co-Editor of English for Specific Purposes, University of Michigan Hajime Terauchi, Dean of Faculty of Commerce of Takachiho University, Japan; […]

The 2018 Alatis Prize competition

TIRF – The International Research Foundation for English Language Education – established the TIRF James E. Alatis Prize for Research on Language Policy and Planning in Educational Contexts to honor the contributions of our outstanding educator and association founder and leader to the field. With this message, we are inviting nominations for the 2018 TIRF […]